Ask yourself this very important question: "How salty am I?" In other words, how effective are you as a follower of Christ?
What does it mean when Jesus calls you to be the salt of the earth (Matthew 5:13)? Jesus uses those who love and follow Him to help preserve a world that has turned its back on Him. Jesus also wants to use you to spread the Word in a way that is easier for others to understand, easier for them to hear and digest, by adding flavor and depth to your words as you share the gospel. Salt brings out distinct flavors in food just as believers can bring out the words of God to impact listeners in a positive way. Those who know Jesus radiate His joy, share His love and add flavor to the world. Look for ways today to be the salt of the earth in your words and actions.
Jesus told His followers they were the salt of the earth. This was an obvious metaphor for how they should impact the world around them. Salt has many different uses. It preserves food. Before refrigerators were invented, people salted their foods which made them last significantly longer than they would have if left unsalted. Salt also adds flavor to foods. Many of the foods we eat would be bland — and inedible to some — without salt. So adding salt also helps make dishes more palatable.
In order to gain an understanding of what we can do to be more effective Christians, we should take a look at the practical uses of salt as we are considered the salt of the earth. Outside of taste, salt has many beneficial properties.
To make clean or pure (Example: dirty iron)
Gets rid of germs and bacteria (Example: mouth wash)
Fertilizer for soil
Farmers use salt to make the ground fertile so that production or growth can take place.
Note: Too much salt can make the ground sterile.
Adds flavor to bland foods, makes food more palatable, and can cause taste buds to come alive.
Soothes an upset stomach, calms nausea.
Note: farmers would put a salt block on the farm for the cattle to lick from time to time to kill the parasites.
Used to clean wounds.
Salt's Uses in the Bible
Salt was significant in Hebrew worship.
God commanded that every meat offering to be seasoned with salt.
Salt was cast on the burnt offering.
Part of the incense
Part of the temple offering included salt
Newborn babies were rubbed with salt
Used to ratify covenants (this covenant was irrevocable)
The secret to saltiness is faithfulness in the Word of God.
During the Sermon on the Mount Jesus said “you are the salt of the earth”.
If salt loses its taste how can its flavor be restored?
Jesus says that everyone will be salted with fire. This deals with salt's purifying effect in Jewish custom.
Salt is a sign or symbol of God’s activity in a person’s life.
Allow Him to Penetrate every aspect of your life.
Preserving you from the evil all around you
Healing you from your sins and shortcomings.
In summary let’s check out Jesus’s words during His unforgettable Sermon on the Mount, He declared that believers were the "salt of the earth" and advised that it was possible for them to lose their flavor. If believers lost their "flavor," they would be of no benefit to others. They would then only be deserving of being "thrown out and trampled upon by men" (Matthew 5:13).
But take note, Christians who obey God and do His will serve as a preservative of the human race and the earth by slowing down the moral and spiritual decay of the world around them. Be warned, however, that when true believers mingle with things like false doctrines, they lose their purity and their originally intended goal. This will eventually lead them to becoming ineffective and hollow (Mark 7:7-9)
So, Christians, live as the salt of the earth Jesus spoke about. We need to live as pure a life as possible so that we can maximize our ability to "flavor" or bless others through our good works.
With all that being said children of God, stay SALTY!