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On January 2, 2024 our Perfect Peace Christian Church family will start our twenty-one (21) day Daniel Fast. This time of fasting and prayer will begin on Tuesday January 2, 2024 and will end Sunday, January 22, 2024.

Fruits and Vegetables

Why fast? We’re so glad you asked! The purpose of a fast is to shift your focus to God. By not indulging in food or areas you desire, you can turn your focus to God by reading God’s Word and praying throughout your day. This echoes the words of Job 23:12 “I have not departed from the commands of his lips; I have treasured the words of his mouth more than my daily bread.” This strengthens your faith.

What should I read during the fast?

● During your fast you should increase your time in prayer and in the Word. (set
designated times for prayer at least 3 times per day)
● You should search the bible for scriptures that deal with your
specific area(s) of
(eat [read] the Word of God as you would eat a meal or snack time)
● You may use sources such as a
Bible Concordance or to
identify applicable scriptures. (don’t merely read the Word but STUDY it)

Will we have scriptures for daily devotional?

Corporately we will be studying and meditating on a variety of scriptures daily.

The first week of our fast, we will be focusing our attention UPWARD towards our

Lord, rather than inward towards us. (He must INCREASE, and I must decrease
John 3:30) We will set our hearts and minds on Love and adoration towards our
Heavenly Father.


The second week we will study and meditate on “Being still and listening to the
VOICE of God!”


The third week we will focus on “Having a Servant’s Heart”


Note: For the year 2024 we have selected St Luke 6:38 as our scripture to reflect upon
during our time of fasting and throughout the entire year. Luke 6:38, says, Give and it
will be given to you; a good measure pressed down, shaken together, and running over
will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured back to

We are asking that you keep this scripture close to your heart, meditate on it, memorize
it, and know that from it you will reap its benefits. We are also asking that you please
pray at least 3 times a day. Early when you rise in the morning, sometime in the
afternoon and in the evening before going to bed.
We will be fasting for a total of three weeks. We have divided our 21 days of fasting into
3 parts for your study time. See scriptures and dates listed below:

Week 1 - “He must INCREASE, I must decrease” (2th-7th)

Focusing UPWARD, rather than inward
1/2/24- John 3:30
1/3/24- Psalms 103:1-4
1/4/24- 1 Chronicles 16:11
1/5/24- James 4:8
1/6/24- Hebrews 12:2
1/7/24- Matthew 6:33

Week 2 “Be Still and Listen to the voice of God”

Speak to my heart Lord; lead me and I WILL follow
1/8/24- 1 Samuel 3:1-10
1/9/24- John 10:27
1/10/24- Psalms 37:7, 2 Timothy 3:16-17
1/11/24- Romans 10:17, Hebrews 3:15
1/12/24- John 8:47, Hebrew 4:7
1/13/24- Psalms 85:8, Revelation 3:20
1/14/24- James 1:19, Luke 11:28

Week 3 “Developing A servant’s HEART”
Give me clean hands and a pure heart to serve
1/15/24-Ephesians 6:6-10, Philippians 2:3
1/16/24- John 13:12-17
1/17/24- Romans 12:11
1/18/24- 1 Peter 2:1-25
1/19/24- 2 Timothy 2:24
1/20/24- Colossians 3:23, Proverbs 4:23
1/21/24- John 12:25-26, Matthew 25:23-40
1/22/24- Matthew 23:11-12, Romans 12:1-2


Spiritual Suggestions for the Fast:

1. Determine in advance the purpose of your fast and write them down. Examples – renewal in marriage, salvation for family members, spiritual revival in church, personal life, etc.
2. Identify, confess, and repent of all revealed sin before and during the fast.—Unconfessed sin and disobedience will hinder your prayer and fasting.

3. Be sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s prompting in all areas of your life, since God will often require you to seek reconciliation or restoration in broken relationships.
4. Keep a journal during your fast. This should contain specific prayer requests, written prayers, devotional thoughts, and spiritual insights you are gaining during your fast.

What to Eat and Avoid During the Daniel Fast?

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are under a physician’s care, follow his/her instructions. And as with all nutritional and exercise programs, it is recommended that you consult your physician prior to beginning.

What May I Eat During the Fast?

●  Fruits & vegetables – fresh, frozen or canned
●  All nuts, grains, beans and legumes
● Herbs and spices
● Baking Soda – all natural
● Agave Nectar – natural sweetener
● Stevia
●  Bragg Liquid Aminos – natural alternative to soy sauce
●  Water, naturally decaffeinated tea, fruit and vegetable juices (with no added sugar)
●  -Oils such as olive oil, coconut, peanut, sesame, walnut, almond and mustard seed oil
●  Soy Milk (read nutritional labels)
● Tofu (whole soybeans and water)
● Pasta (whole-grain flour and water) NO EGGS or WHITE FLOUR
● Honey
● Raw Cane Sugar


Foods to Avoid:

●  ALL meat products*(should you chose to eat meats choose only fish or poultry)
● Dairy (milk, cheese, cream cheese, etc.)
● Egg by-products
● White flour products & bread products
● White rice
●  White cane sugar & all products containing it
●  Artificial Sweeteners (Splenda, NutraSweet)

● Carbonated beverages
● Deep fried foods
● Caffeine

For more suggestions and meal planning ideas you may visit

Note: No need for guilt, simply make a commitment you can keep.

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